Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Top 5 Things on my Bookshelf that Aren't Books

It's that time of the week again! Top 5 Wednesdays is the brain-child of gingerreadslainey. If you'd like to learn a bit more about Top 5 Wednesday, you can check out her Goodreads group and take a look at everybody who participates!

This week's topic is Top 5 Things on your Bookshelf that Aren't Books. I don't know about you, but I enjoy displaying little things on my bookshelf in between stacks of books. I like the way it breaks up my bookshelf a bit and I also love to see some of my favorite things without my space looking overly cluttered.

5. TBR Challenge Jar

I keep my monthly TBR Challenges in a cute purple ceramic container. Inside the jar I have book challenges written on patterned paper. Each month I choose one or two slips from the jar and try to complete the challenge listed. Purple is my favorite color so I love being able to see it on display.

4. Candles

I don't burn them on my shelf, I promise!! I love candles. I love smells. I almost always have a candle burning (on an end table away from my books) when I'm reading. I love being able to associate a smell with an experience. For instance, I have a particular lavender candle that will always remind me of Ready Player One. Right now I probably have about 15 different candles I switch between when I'm reading. Hmmm...I might have a candle problem.

3. Old Bibles

My husband was given his grandfather's old pocket bibles from when he was in the military. They were carried with him when he was on duty and definitely look like they were well loved and well read. They're both fairly small and were given to his grandfather in the 1950's.

2. Photos

I love to display photos of our family around the house. They're everywhere - including our bookshelves. Eventually when I get new shelves, I'll be able to display more photos than I do now. I feel like it really gives my library character.

1. Piggy Banks

Quite possibly my favorite little knick-knacks is my Twilight Sparkle pony piggy bank. It's so cute!! It's a piggy bank, but in the colors and style of my favorite My Little Pony! Matt also has a neat stylized piggy bank. His is done in Kansas City Chiefs colors. We actually have both of them on our bookshelves.

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