Do you remember that episode of Friends where Rachel finds Joey's copy of The Shining in the freezer? This probably one of my top 10 Friends moments. We've all been there, right? That moment where you have such an emotional connection with your book that you feel an intense emotion that you just want to run away from? Fear, sadness, anger, anxiety....
I'm at that moment right now. I'm almost finished with a book and I absolutely know what's going to happen (never accidentally read the book synopsis for a book that's part of a series), but the emotional connection that I've developed for the characters have created in me this intense feeling of despair and anxiety, and I almost feel exactly the way the main character is feeling right now. I'm feeling heartbroken and terrified. Needless to say, my book is in the freezer right now. Thanks, Kiera Cass...and bravo for achieving "freezer book" status!
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